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Amateur Radio License Class to be held in Carlinville Illinois in May

Learn what Ham Radio is all about! Ham operators around the world talk every day, in over 350 different countries on all 7 continents.

Anyone interested in obtaining a Ham Radio License from the FCC can take advantage of a course being offered by the Macoupin County Radio Club K9MCE in partnership with the Carlinville Area Hospital.

The Amateur Radio Class is scheduled for Saturday morning from 8 a. m. until noon on May 6th and May 13th. You must pass a FCC test to get your license. There will be a testing session held following the noon session on the 13th so students can test right here in Carlinville.

Plan on attending the K9MCE Club meeting on Wednesday April 5th at 7 p.m. to learn what you will need and how to be successful in getting your FCC issued Amateur Radio License.

The Macoupin County Radio Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the Macoupin County Board Room on the Second Floor of the Macoupin County Jail everyone is welcome to attend and learn more about the ham radio hobby.

Currently, there are over 30,000 amateur radio operators in Illinois and room for 1000's more. This area has a linked repeater system which allows radio operators to talk 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year with other ham operators in Illinois and Missouri. The first step in getting on the air is to obtain a Technician Class license. There are opportunities in getting an advanced license above Technician that folks can advance their operating skills and give them access to many more modes of operation including High Frequency or HF long distance around the world access.

Anyone with questions can reach out to N9LQF, Jim Pitchford of Girard at 217-670-5777 or at N9LQF@ARRL.NET to receive more information.

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Macoupin County Amateur Radio Club K9MCE - 215 South East Street- P.O. Box 253 - Carlinville Illinois 62056-0253
Contact us directly at 

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