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West Central Illinois Hamfest

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Image and Information from

Robb Orr

K9RST Presenting Ham Radio Operators For The Chicago Marathon 

Rob is a self-employed video producer, creating videos for corporations, public television and advocacy groups. In between work assignments, he is active with ham radio, serving as the President of the North Shore Radio Club, Highland Park, IL. He is also engaged with several public service activities including helping to create a team of ham operators to support the Chicago Marathon.  He has been deployed by the American Red Cross, as a ECRV operator. He has served as a Boy Scout leader, and conducts special events featuring ham radio for the Scouts. 


On ham radio, he enjoys DX, and is trying to improve CW and learning more about electronics.


Other hobbies include bicycling, working out, camping, photography and community service. Enjoys reading about history and classic novels.

This forum will be in the "4-H" Building at 9AM.


Ken Noris

KK9N Presenting Solar Indices to HF Proagation

Solar Indices applied to HF propagation, what do the numbers mean?

This forum will be in the "4-H" Building at 10AM.

Image from

Thomas Dougherty

N0TJD Presenting AMSAT

Thomas has been active as a General License amateur radio operator since 2014.  The late start in amateur radio was due to another hobby.  Aviation was his passion.  For 46 years he flew airplanes and volunteered with a group - Wings of Hope.  Wings of Hope is a charity. Operating a free air ambulance service in the US for those in need.  Its primary mission was to allow children in need of medical treatment with little or no coverage of health insurance to be treated by Shriners Hospitals and Clinics.  As age continues for each of us, he lost his medical approval to exercise his pilots license.  That is how Amateur Radio came into his life.  He needed another technical hobby.  Being a Electrical Engineer and being interested in allowing his students to see how they can be part of the future of technology, he became a member of AMSAT-NA.  Additionally, he is active in St Louis Metro ARES and MARA-STL.

This forum will be in the "4-H" Building at 11AM.

Dan Frey

K9DNO Presenting APRS & High Altitude Balooning

This forum will be in the "N" Building at 8AM.


Mark Lewis, Dan Hough, Isaac Pizzo

KD9EFO, KD9LON, WX9SRV Presenting SKYWARN Role in December Torandoes

This forum will be in the "N" Building at 10AM.

Skip Riba

WS9V Presenting Loops & Beverages

This forum will be in the "4-H" Building at 8AM.


Mark Lewis, Dan Hough, Isaac Pizzo


December 1st 2018 Tornado


Mark Kerhliker

WD9HBF Presenting Rover Set Up

WD9HBF was licensed in 1978 and enjoys many aspects of amateur radio. This presentation will introduce the weak signal portion of ham radio including 6 meters and above. Basic propagation, antenna ideas, satellite communications and rovering will be discussed.

This forum will be in the "Food Court" Building at 9AM.

Kermit Carlson

W9KA Presenting ARRL Forum

This forum will be in the "Food Court" Building at 10AM.

Michael Minkanic

KD9MNR Presenting Soldering Kit Workshop

This forum will be in the "Food Court" Building at 11AM.

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